Sunday, October 12, 2003
  Dedication Whelp, looking over what I personally have to do and/or the stuff I need to delegate to get the new code base in any sort of order to let people actually play it...seems like it will be at LEAST a few months before we can open for playtesters. I knew this before, of course, but had tried to block it out of my mind to focus purely on the work ahead. But knowing things and having them actually SINK IN are two different things. I pity (and fear for) those builders/coders/imps who signed on to happily build here and who's efforts won't be truly appreciated until we get everything done. It sucks to build and code and not have your creation run through and 'ooo'ed and 'aaah'ed about. It takes away a lot of the fun of doing it. It also makes it so you wonder why you should bother doing more. I hope those I hired/will hire will be able to see the big picture that I'm working towards...

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