Gift for Anne I like Elfwood, yet this is a very strange picture. The girl looks scared to death, and who could blame her. Look at the length of that horn! You can use your imagination here.... Grade - C -
Estreines a Anne Here's a nice poem for me. I like poems. It's the thought that counts. Grade - B
Quilts are always a thoughtful gift Personally, I like the small one with the leaf motif. Grade - C+
Someone drew this as a gift for me. How nice. Unfortunately, either they were going for that "anime super-deformed look" with the eyes and failed, or they just stink at drawing eyes. A pity. I can only give this one a grade of C-
Coloured Pencil - Pippa Now HERE is a beautiful painting. I'd be proud to hang this on my wall. Thank you so much...Whoever you are. Grade - A+
A bunch of paintings Some of these are nice, but most are too cutesy for my taste. An A for effort, however. Grade - COver all, a rather poor showing. Remember, people, books and CDs are always great gifts and there's a fine line between retro trashy and just plain trashy.